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3 lb Carniolan Honey Bee Package
3 lb Carniolan Honey Bee Package

Honey Bee Package 3 lb with "Carniolan" Queen Pickup date is tentatively April 26th, 2025. Limited quantities (Same price as last year)

Your Price: $178.00
Part Number:BEE-003

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Tentative Pickup Date - Check Website for Updates!!
April 26, 2025
Call for Additional information!

Carniolan package with 3 lbs of bees and Carniolan Queen.  (Unmarked)
Bees will be picked up at our facility by appointment on pickup date. We will contact you closer to pickup time to schedule your pickup time!

Bee Package warranty:
Check your bee package before leaving our store!  If you have questions about the package, we will try to help if time allows.  If you find a dead queen when installing your package, we will give you another free queen provided you return the dead queen in an untampered with, queen cage.  Queens can die, it can happen, but infrequently!  We are not responsible for how you handle your package once you leave our location!

Please check our website periodically for any updates or delays due to weather, we will not call you, updates will appear here if there are any!

Call us if you have any questions about ordering.  (603) 429-0808

Please note that we do not ship bees.  Bees will be added to your cart, but will not be available for pickup until the date selected!  Also, all packages must be paid when ordering, (not paid on pickup)!

#HoneyBeePackages #CarniolanBees
5 Stars
Great Bee Package
I used one of these packages in April of 2016 with really great results. The Carniolan queen and bees from Northern California proved to be quite active, rapidly building brood that was pretty much free of varroa mites. No sign of small hive beetles. Not only did they store honey for their winter needs, but gave me 80lbs of great honey in two medium supers. I am after another package from Hillside in 2017.
Did you find this helpful?  8 of 10 Found Helpful
Reviewed by: (Verified Buyer)  from Belmont, NH. on 3/7/2017
5 Stars
Bee Keeper
I got two packages in April of 2017. These packages are great as the bees produced honey their first year. The bees are overwintering fine and survived the 15 below zero weather the rest of the winter should be easy.
Did you find this helpful?  4 of 7 Found Helpful
Reviewed by:  from Saco, Maine. on 1/15/2018
5 Stars
Great bees!
I picked up my package of Carniolan bees in April 2016 and they made it through this last winter just great. As a first year beekeeper, they explained the how to install the package and were very helpful.
Did you find this helpful?  4 of 6 Found Helpful
Reviewed by:  from Bedford, NH. on 3/10/2017
5 Stars
Did you find this helpful?  4 of 7 Found Helpful
Reviewed by:  from NH. on 1/4/2017

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